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Does Chocolate Help Period Cramps?
Blog / Health and Nutrition / Does Chocolate Help Period Cramps?

Does Chocolate Help Period Cramps?

Period cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, are an all-too-familiar ordeal for millions of women around the globe.

As they search for ways to alleviate this monthly discomfort, many turn to various home remedies, including indulging in their favourite treat - chocolate.

But does chocolate truly have the power to soothe period cramps, or is it simply a comforting placebo effect?

This post delves into the science behind the potential benefits of chocolate for relieving menstrual pain and aims to answer the burning question: Can this tasty treat be the key to easing period cramps?

Join us as we explore the world of chocolate, its properties, and its potential role in providing relief during that time of the month.

Does Chocolate Help With Period Cramps?

Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, may help alleviate period cramps to some extent due to its magnesium content, which is known to relax muscles and reduce inflammation.

However, the effect may vary from person to person, and it's important to consume chocolate in moderation as part of a balanced diet to manage period cramps effectively.

Why is Dark Chocolate Best for Period Cramps?

Dark chocolate is considered the best choice for period cramps primarily due to its higher cocoa content, which is rich in magnesium and antioxidants.

Magnesium plays a vital role in muscle relaxation and reducing inflammation, which can help alleviate cramps during menstruation.

Additionally, antioxidants found in dark chocolate can help combat oxidative stress and promote overall health.

Dark chocolate also contains fewer added sugars and fats compared to milk or white chocolate, making it a healthier option for satisfying cravings during menstruation.

However, it is essential to consume dark chocolate in moderation and as part of a balanced diet to effectively manage period cramps and maintain overall well-being.

(You might also like to take a read of this post asking: What is Ruby Chocolate?)

What is the Nutritional Profile of Dark Chocolate?

Here is a simple chart displaying the nutritional profile of dark chocolate (70-85% cocoa solids) per 100 grams:

Nutrient Amount % Daily Value*
Calories 598 n/a
Total Fat 42.6g 65%
- Saturated Fat 24.5g 123%
- Trans Fat 0g n/a
Cholesterol 3mg 1%
Sodium 20mg 1%
Total Carbohydrate 45.9g 15%
- Dietary Fiber 11g 44%
- Sugars 23.9g n/a
Protein 7.8g 16%
Vitamin D 0.2mcg 1%
Calcium 73mg 6%
Iron 11.9mg 66%
Potassium 715mg 15%
Magnesium 228mg 54%
Phosphorus 308mg 25%
Zinc 3.3mg 30%
Copper 1.8mg 200%
Manganese 1.9mg 83%
Selenium 6.8mcg 12%
Thiamin (Vitamin B1) 0.1mg 8%
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) 0.1mg 8%
Niacin (Vitamin B3) 0.8mg 5%
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) 0.3mg 6%
Vitamin B6 0.1mg 6%
Folate (Vitamin B9) 20mcg 5%
Vitamin K 8.1mcg 7%

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000-calorie diet.

Please note that these values can vary depending on the specific brand and cocoa percentage of the dark chocolate.

Always refer to the nutrition label on the packaging for accurate information.

(You might also like to read this post asking the question: why do I crave chocolate?)

What Chocolate is Good For Cravings?

The ideal chocolate for cravings is one made from high-quality ingredients and a high cocoa percentage.

Whitakers Chocolates is an excellent example of a chocolate producer that values quality, craftsmanship, and sustainability.

Our commitment to using top-quality ingredients, Fairtrade cocoa, and drawing on a wealth of chocolate-making experience, we create a range of delicious and responsibly-produced chocolates.

When it comes to satisfying cravings, opt for dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (55% or higher), as it contains less sugar, more beneficial nutrients like antioxidants and magnesium, and offers a richer flavour.

A small portion of Whitakers' high-quality dark chocolate can help you indulge in a guilt-free treat while keeping your cravings under control.

Remember, moderation is key, and enjoying a piece of fine chocolate from a reputable producer like Whitakers can elevate your chocolate experience and contribute to a healthier approach to managing cravings.

Here’s just a few of our favourites:

  • Dark chocolate and raspberry squares - each square is made using our signature 55% dark chocolate and is infused with real raspberry oil giving the chocolate a sweet and fruity taste. They are perfect as each square is individually wrapped helping towards portion control.

  • Sometimes the most simple treat is the best, try our rich dark chocolate 90g bars, again these are perfect as a little treat to help get over those cravings.
  • Dark chocolate and mint wafer thins - these are ideal to satisfy your chocolate craving. Each super thin dark chocolate wafer is flavoured with natural peppermint oil making it the perfect treat at the time of the month.

(You might also like this post looking at the difference between cocoa and cacao).

What Nutrients in Chocolate Are Beneficial for Period Cramps?

Several nutrients in chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, can be beneficial for period cramps:

  1. Magnesium: This essential mineral plays a crucial role in muscle relaxation, nerve function, and reducing inflammation. Higher levels of magnesium can help alleviate muscle cramps and discomfort during menstruation.

  2. Antioxidants: Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, which can help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, promoting overall health and potentially easing period-related discomfort.

  3. Potassium: This mineral is essential for maintaining electrolyte balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. Adequate potassium levels may contribute to reducing cramps and muscle spasms during menstruation.

  4. Iron: Menstruation can lead to iron loss, and replenishing iron levels is essential for overall health. Dark chocolate contains a moderate amount of iron, which can help support healthy red blood cell production and prevent anaemia.

  5. Fibre: The dietary fibre in dark chocolate can aid in digestion and help alleviate bloating, a common symptom during menstruation.

It's important to remember that moderation is key when consuming chocolate for its potential benefits.

Opt for dark chocolate with a higher cocoa content (55% or higher), as it contains more of these beneficial nutrients and less added sugar and fat compared to milk or white chocolate.

(You may also want to read this post asking the question: Can diabetics eat chocolate?)

What Other Foods Might Help With Menstrual Cramps?

Menstrual cramps, also known as dysmenorrhea, are common and can cause significant discomfort for many women.

While chocolate is a popular choice for relieving cramps, several other foods may help alleviate symptoms as well.

These foods are rich in nutrients, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help relax muscles and reduce inflammation.

  1. Bananas: Rich in potassium, bananas help in regulating muscle contractions and may reduce menstrual cramps.

  2. Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that may help to decrease prostaglandin production, which is responsible for causing cramps.

  3. Chamomile tea: Chamomile has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that may help to relax the uterus and reduce cramping.

  4. Leafy greens: High in magnesium, calcium, and vitamin K, leafy greens like kale and spinach can help in reducing muscle cramps and inflammation.

  5. Fatty fish: Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines have anti-inflammatory effects that can help alleviate cramps.

  6. Nuts and seeds: Rich in magnesium, zinc, and healthy fats, nuts and seeds like almonds, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds can help ease cramps.

  7. Whole grains: Foods like whole wheat bread, brown rice, and quinoa are high in fibre and can help regulate bowel movements, reducing bloating and discomfort.

  8. Pineapple: Contains bromelain, an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to reduce cramps.

  9. Turmeric: Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful anti-inflammatory compound that can help in reducing menstrual cramps.

  10. Yoghurt: Rich in calcium, yoghurt can help reduce muscle contractions and ease cramping. Additionally, the probiotics in yoghurt can help promote a healthy gut, which may improve overall digestion and reduce bloating.

Remember that every individual is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Incorporating these foods into your diet may help alleviate menstrual cramps, but it's important to listen to your body and consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice.

What Else Can Help With Menstrual Pain?

Apart from food, there are several non-dietary approaches that can help alleviate menstrual pain.

These methods can help in reducing muscle tension, promote relaxation, and improve blood flow. Some of the effective strategies include:

  1. Heat therapy: Applying a heating pad or warm compress to your lower abdomen can help relax the uterine muscles and ease menstrual pain. Alternatively, soaking in a warm bath or using a hot water bottle can also provide relief.

  2. Exercise: Engaging in low-impact physical activities like walking, swimming, or yoga can help release endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and mood elevators, helping to alleviate cramps and discomfort.

  3. Massage: Gently massaging the lower abdomen or lower back can help relax muscles and reduce cramping. You can use essential oils like lavender or clary sage, which have been known to provide relief from menstrual pain.

  4. Over-the-counter pain relievers: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help reduce inflammation and relieve menstrual pain. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional before taking any medication.

  5. Relaxation techniques: Practising relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce stress and alleviate menstrual pain.

  6. Herbal remedies: Some herbal supplements like chaste tree, cramp bark, or black cohosh may help relieve menstrual pain. However, consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedies, as they may interact with medications or cause side effects.

  7. Acupuncture and acupressure: These traditional Chinese medicine techniques may help alleviate menstrual pain by stimulating specific points on the body and promoting the flow of energy.

  8. Adequate sleep: Ensuring you get sufficient sleep during your period can help reduce stress and ease menstrual pain.

  9. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol: Caffeine and alcohol can exacerbate menstrual pain and should be limited or avoided during your period.
  10. Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help reduce bloating and alleviate cramps.

It's essential to remember that every person is different, and what works for one may not work for another.

Experiment with these methods to find what works best for you, and consult a healthcare professional for personalised advice and guidance.

Why Do Women Get Cramps When They Are Menstruating?

Menstrual cramps, or dysmenorrhea, occur when the muscles of the uterus contract to expel the uterine lining during menstruation.

The primary cause of these cramps is the production of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Here's a more detailed explanation:

  1. Prostaglandins: These hormone-like substances are produced in the lining of the uterus and play a crucial role in the menstrual process. Prostaglandins stimulate the uterine muscles to contract, which helps in the shedding and expulsion of the uterine lining during menstruation. Higher levels of prostaglandins are associated with more intense uterine contractions and more severe menstrual cramps.

  2. Uterine contractions: The contractions of the uterus are necessary to shed and expel the uterine lining. However, these contractions can also constrict blood vessels that supply the uterus, leading to a temporary reduction in oxygen supply. This lack of oxygen can cause pain and discomfort, resulting in menstrual cramps.

  3. Secondary factors: In some cases, menstrual cramps can be caused by secondary factors like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, or adenomyosis. These conditions can result in more severe and prolonged pain during menstruation. If menstrual cramps are consistently severe or accompanied by other symptoms, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and appropriate treatment.

The intensity and duration of menstrual cramps vary from person to person.

Some women may experience mild discomfort, while others may experience severe pain.

Many factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and overall health, can influence the severity of menstrual cramps.

A Note From a Female Chocolate Manufacturer

As someone who lives a healthful life and exercises regularly, I've found that exercise, specifically going for long walks, significantly helps alleviate my stomach cramping during menstruation.

Staying well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water is also essential in reducing discomfort and maintaining overall well-being.

However, there are times when I feel drained and low on energy during menstruation, and that's when I turn to dark chocolate as a pick-me-up.

Dark chocolate, which is rich in antioxidants and has a lower sugar content than milk chocolate, provides a quick boost of energy without compromising my healthy lifestyle.

Incorporating a combination of exercise, hydration, and a small indulgence in dark chocolate has become my personal strategy to help manage menstrual cramps and maintain a positive outlook during a challenging time of the month.

It's essential to remember that everyone's body is different, so finding what works best for you is crucial for managing menstrual pain effectively.

Final Notes On If Chocolate Helps With Period Cramps

Chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, is often considered a comforting treat during menstruation, and some women find it helpful in alleviating period cramps.

There are a few reasons why chocolate might provide relief:

  1. Mood booster: Chocolate contains compounds like phenylethylamine, which can trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers and mood elevators. This may help improve mood and provide a sense of comfort during menstruation.

  2. Magnesium content: Dark chocolate is rich in magnesium, an essential mineral that helps regulate muscle contractions and may alleviate menstrual cramps.

  3. Antioxidant properties: Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help reduce inflammation and alleviate cramping.

However, it's important to note that the effects of chocolate on period cramps can vary from person to person.

Some women may find it helpful, while others may not notice any significant relief.

Additionally, consuming chocolate in moderation is essential, as excessive consumption may lead to weight gain or exacerbate bloating.

In conclusion, chocolate, especially dark chocolate, may provide some relief from menstrual cramps for some individuals due to its mood-enhancing effects, magnesium content, and antioxidant properties.

It's essential to listen to your body and find a balance that works best for you in managing menstrual discomfort.

Combining chocolate with other remedies like exercise, hydration, and a balanced diet may provide a more comprehensive approach to alleviating period cramps.